

I am REGISTERING with the Association as:

I am registering with the Association as: *

Register as Coach if you are working with clients who want to learn, improve or compete in tennis. This might include ANY one of the following:

  1. One on one private instruction or group instruction.
  2. Mental Coaching.
  3. Off court instruction or Coaching (Tennis or physical).
  4. Facilitating tennis hitting sessions or practice sessions.

Register as a Guardian if you would like to be responsible for reconciling the coaching your child or ward receives and if you meet ANY one of the following criteria:

  1. You have a child or ward under the age of 18.
  2. Your child or ward is still in College and wishes to maintain NCAA eligibility.

Please note: The acceptance of a Certified Guardian for someone above 18 is carefully reviewed by the Association and Certification is granted on a case-by-case basis.

Register as a Trainer if you practice in the field of sports medicine or sport therapy. This might include ANY of the following:

  1. Private or group workout sessions.
  2. Mental Training.
  3. Stretching.
  4. Massage Therapy.
  5. Off court fitness or workouts.
  6. Dietary assistance.
  7. Body and muscle building activities.
  8. Cardio and non-cardio exercises.

Register as an agent if you meet ANY of the following criteria:

  1. You are the exclusive representative of a tennis sports figure whether that be a Coach, Trainer or Athlete.
  2. Are the designated representative of a tennis sports figure whether that be a Coach, Trainer or Athlete.
  3. You procure and or negotiate employment and endorsement contracts for tennis sports figures.
  4. Have an agency that you are affiliated with and are looking for a platform to find tennis sports figures.
  5. Would like a platform to announce your official relationships with tennis sports figures.

Register as an Athlete ONLY if you meet ALL of the following criteria:

  1. You are above 18 years of age.
  2. Have completed your NCAA career or do not intend to attend or participate in an NCAA career.
  3. You are willing to assume all responsibilities and be the guarantor for your own tennis career.
  4. You are looking to compete within the tennis community.

    Register as an Academy if you meet ANY of the following criteria:

    1. You are an Academy or Camp that provides a training program focused on developing sporting skills most specifically for the sport of tennis.
    2. Your Academy or Camp offers either professional or amateur training opportunities.
    3. Your Academy or Camp offers tennis Coaching and or physical fitness training.
    4. You have a “good standing” registered business entity.